Never Enough

At a certain point in your business and life journey you will realise you don't want that much…

you're not as fancy of a person as you thought you might be…

or thought you might HAVE to be to impress the people and in actual fact…

You'd be fine… you’d be quite okay without any more massive income leaps at all.

Maybe it’s just me.

Maybe this is not you and you're dead set on the 20+ fleet of cars, mega yacht, seventeen thousand properties just for the fuck of it, and several blinged out Audemars Piget watches just to make sure nobody gets any ideas of you not being That Boss Bitch.

But if you're anything like me and like my clients ...

what you actually want..

Is to be able to simply buy / invest in / give / say yes to what you want, when you want it, with a few different consistently growing investments underway. 

Most of which you genuinely get a creative thrill out of being part of.

Then there is also maybe one or two of which are 'just 'cause it makes good money sense. 

At that certain point of freedom…. flow…flexibility…holy shit Ive almost figured out this life thing and Im doing phenomenally well - 

It's enough.

Wait, what?? 

How is that possible? 

Obviously it is never enough, will never be enough, we are the ones who were born for more, forever and always, and so we better get it UNCEASINGLY!

But also?

Dahhhhling I'm good. 

Plus, I know my continued being good (and then some) is kind of taken care of. 

So maybe, just maybe, I don't any longer feel that need to go and pursue stuff for the sake of pursuing stuff. 

Plus, once upon a time, not too long ago it genuinely wasn't pursuing for the sake of pursuing, was it? 

Once upon a time, you were genuinely so far from that place of having your wants - God, your needs, forget about your desires- met, that of course it was pursuit. 


The Thing is..

when you're a driven sort of a badass as I suspect you just might be -

you don't necessarily notice when you reached your filled the fuck up overflow point, and you actually, well - 

did it.

I didn't notice.

I did not notice the point at which I actually BECAME that bitch. 

Who could buy whatever she wanted and know it was an of course

Who was safe with money, finally. 

Who was on top of her shit. 

Who 👏🏽was 👏🏽the 👏🏽shit.

And because I operate in a world of MORE and LUXURY and OPULENCE and KEEP GOING, and in an industry of MORE and LUXURY, OPULENCE and KEEP GOING, and also literally have positioned myself as what I always was aka one of the leaders and most looked to within this industry -

I didn't realise at first. That actually I kind of ... had everything I really wanted…



Dreamed of And the whole pursuit thing, of money, and 'safety' financially, and solid gold assets well - 

I'd met it.

We did it Joe!!! 😂😂

So of course I kept going. 

I kept pushing. 

I kept operating from a place of thinking …I'm not there! 

I gotta get there! 

I gotta be safe! 

And free!

But I WAS!! 

And the truth is I actually don't want 20 something properties, maybe 10 spread out across the world. 

I don’t need all the cars, only my three Rolls Royce’s. 

Or even one yacht( I can always charter) or plane of my own ( This is why you have a Net jets account). 

I don't WANT seventy million purses, watches, and a closet as big as a house to put them in.

I caaaaaant be bothered! Who is going to organize and clean that shit?? 

I am no longer driven by more. 

Not more money for moneys sake or stuff, anyway.

And, if I lost it all in a heartbeat the truth is I'd feel secure. 

Because I motherfucking know how to make money out of thin air, take care of myself and those near and dear to me, and just create, well, anything I choose! 

Out of nothing. 

I have EVERYTHING I need inside of me.

You have EVERYTHING you need inside of you.

Which was really the thing I was pursuing the whole time anyway ... 

At a certain point, we did the damn thing. 

Of becoming SAFE. 

And becoming FREE with money. 

And finally being ABLE to have all the things you never could afford, never felt good enough for, and so on.

And then?

Well, then.

For the true born for it Icon. Maverick.

MAGIC maker. 


You one day just wake up and realise -

I don't even CARE about the never fucking ending possibility of STUFF because I can have it all.

Or WEALTH because wealth starts from within.

Or BEING something that others admire because I am in awe of myself.

Sure, I'm not gonna lie! 

I admit I want and expect I can have more than most would dream of! 

But I was always gonna do that. 

Do you know who I am? 

AND, I was always going to do it by finding a way to create and sell on my terms! 

And now that I did - 

Well, I simply get to create and sell on my terms. For the sake of it.

For shits and giggles.

Because I want to.

It’s easy to get distracted by the fact that once upon a time you really did have things to pursue…

to own your worth…

and to feel safe and free with money. 

And so often, if you don't stop and look around, long after you GOT there, you default to continuing to try and pursue more money and more stuff, because you think that's the vibe. 

And because so many around you are doing such a fabulous job of embodying the EVER MORE thing.

But for you…

For me…

For us, the truth was actually this:

Just being me is the whole damn vibe.

And that?

Is something I caught up with long ago.

Which means that pursuit, of anything? Would only now be for the sake of it being a fucking fun thing to do.

So, are you ready to have some fun???


Life after death


Cartier on a Monday