Permission Granted
Permission granted to be human
There is this thing that happens to high performers...
Very powerful women...
Ultra successful women...
Hyper Intelligent women...
Conscious women...
Alpha Females...
Wealthy women...
Those of us born with Super human abilities...
We often avoid the human experience like the plague.
Not me.
Not I.
How dare you suggest that I drop down to the level of a mere mortal.
I’m appalled at the thought.
I have nothing in common with the help.
Do you know who I am?
And it’s this very limited thought process that holds us super humans back from being even more super human.
We fight so hard to stay above the human experience.
Guilting and demonizing ourselves when our human side decides to show up.
And she always does.
What if you just allowed?
We came to this earth to experience the human experience.
Our souls made a choice and it’s actually for our advancement, not our demise.
We get to be human AND we get to be super human.
We get to feel all the feels.
We get to fuck up.
We get to forget who we are at times.
We get to love and we get to lose.
We get to be HUMAN.
SuperMan had Clark Kent
Batman had Bruce Wayne
Sasha Fierce had Beyoncé
All Super Humans have Human counterparts.
You’re no different.
This doesn’t make you average... it makes you human.
That’s the beauty of it.
Permission granted to be human