Failure to succeed

You haven’t failed enough to reach my level of success

Failure... and illegal word in our industry.

How often we try to sugarcoat instead of embracing this word.

How much power a single word has over the masses.


The first time I heard this phrase, I didn’t really understand it.

Failure in order to succeed?

What sense does that even make?

It wasn’t until I understood it, that I understood it.

If you ask one of your mentors or coaches or someone you admire how many times they have “failed”, fallen and got back up again to fight for the business and life they desire, I’m positive they could tell you stories for days...weeks...months!!

Better yet, why don’t you ask yourself.

How many times have you “failed” on your path to success?

And if you can actually count the number of times you have failed, I’m sorry to break it to you, you need to fail some more hunnnney.

You’ll never reach the level of success you desire at this rate.

Success takes risk... a lot of risk.

If you’re not willing to jump off the cliff and assemble your wings on the way down, ultra high level success may not be in the cards for you.

The reason I have had success and gotten so many amazing opportunities in my corporate career and now my entrepreneurial career was that I am willing to risk it all.

Rejection and NO are just words that mean find another way.

So you won’t let me in the front door, fine I’ll go in the back door.

Oh the back door is locked? The garage might be open!

Lost the garage door opener? Good thing I can climb down the chimney!

The chimney is only for Santa? No worries, looks like the window on side of the house is unlatched.

I could go on, but I you get the picture.

Failure is most of the time looked at as a bad, shameful thing or this horrible experience.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to belittle the pain or hurt or anguish that failure can bring.

But it also is the foundation for growth, perseverance and faith.

Failure will teach you more valuable lessons than success ever will!

So I choose to look at failure like this- it’s simply discovering a way that doesn’t work on my way to what does work.

That’s all.

And just because I failed at a specific thing doesn’t mean that I personally... my being is a failure.

The quicker you fail, the faster you find out what doesn’t work, the faster you’ll get to what works.

You want to be and have massive success and impact?

Dahhhhling , get comfortable with failing... FAST!


The Gray Zone


Modern Day Royalty