The people highest up have the lowest self esteem.

Some of the richest and wealthiest individuals, especially men, have the lowest self esteem.

You are still reeling from the fact that you weren’t the jock or the cool kid. And from the fact that you were rejected by/didn’t have a chance with the popular girl.

So your entire life’s work is fueled from the need to prove everyone wrong.

That works, but only for so long.

You use your accomplishments and your wealth in place of self esteem.

You make your money the most intere thing about you,

But just because you pretend the issue is not there, doesn’t mean it magically goes away.

When things slow down and get quiet…

When you have a moment of solace…

When you go to bed at night…

That’s when you hear it.

The voice of your battered self esteem.

Telling you that you’re still not good enough.

That they only like you because of your power and your money.

Saying that if they knew the REAL you, they wouldn’t stick around.

And you try yet again to drown that ever so clear voice out of your head with more accomplishments… more money…more power.

Yet it never truly goes away until you actually handle to problem… at the root.

This is not judgement nor shade.

This is just the truth of the matter of the type of work I do with both my male and female clients.

No amount of money, success or accolades can heal how you feel deep down about yourself. It can only act as a band aid until you’re ready to do the real work.

Money can buy a lot of things, but self-esteem, self-worth and self-love aren’t available for purchase.

If you’re willing to do this work, I’m ready to guide, support and hold you accountable through this work 🤍


Cartier on a Monday


3 things I learned from 30 minutes with a Billionaire