Does Size Matter?

It's too bigggg...

It's too wideeee...

It's too strongggg...

It won't fitttt...

It's too muchhhhh...

They say size doesn’t matter.

Dahhhling I beg to differ.

Size absolutely plays a tremendous part in all of this.

The size of what you may ask?

I’m talking about the size of YOU.

Your beingness.

Your goals.

Your dreams.

Your desires.

The level that you’re playing at. ( what else possibly could you think I was talking about ?!? )

I know that you’ve just leveled up publicly

And everyone is praising you for coming out so boldly.

Everyone is envious of your bravery and badassery.

Everyone is honoring you for finally pulling the mask off and being who you were called to be.

And the best part is money is flowing in at unstoppable levels.

What both you and I know is that you’re still playing too small.

I dislike saying that basic overused phrase, but that’s the best way to describe what’s happening right now.

You’re only scratching the surface of what you were put here on this earth to do and be.

What you’re doing is equivalent to dipping your toe in the water when dahhhling you were created to dive into the depths of the ocean.

Of course the normals will praise you... they praise anyone who does something above average.

It takes very little to impress them.

Your 25% is their 150%.

There is no comparison.

And their standard of excellence is your below there’s that.

Furthermore, this isn’t about them.

This is You vs You.

You didn’t think anyone else see it.

You thought you could fool everyone.

But you can’t fool me.

I have a gift of seeing the unseeable and knowing the unknown and unknowable.

Which is why I’m a coach...a mentor...a best kept not so secret to high earning, high performers such as yourself.

I help extraordinary people do impossible things and that causes me to be able to think bigger than most.

Exponential thinking.

I take your vision and go beyond that.

The vision beyond the vision.

That is my playground.

I am a catalyst and a connoisseur of human potential.

And I am the one person in your life that can hold all of your truth.

Lay it on me. I can handle it...hold it...alchemize and transform it.

You think you’ve done it all...

You think you’ve gotten to top of the mountain...

Honey, when you enter into my world we climb the mountain with no peak.

Your potential is limitless.

You can’t even fathom who you can become and what more you can accomplish... but I can.

And with us together you will become more than you could have ever imagined you could be.

You will become unstoppable.

But... that’s only if you choose.

Continue to, as the normies would say, play small and be praised by mere mortals.

Or Come over here with me in the valley of the GODS and discover just how BIG you can play.

I’m ready.

Are you?


You are what your ancestors dreams were made of


…But how much did you profit?