…But how much did you profit?
I love seeing entrepreneurs ( especially my clients) celebrating big money moments!
$100,000 day
$1,000,000 week
$10,000,000 Q1
Although I can’t help but wonder how much money was actually made... how much money did they profit?
I’ve worked with some top industry leaders and seen the behind the scenes of what it takes to have these big money launches.
And sometimes it’s not a pretty as it looks on Instagram.
Million dollar launches where more than half of the earnings go to affiliates, marketing and ad spend, paying out the team and all of the above.
So in reality you only profited $350,000... yeah that part.
But that’s not what is shown.
Don’t get me wrong, have a million dollar plus launch is still a big accomplishment.
But as for me, my clients, my people we prefer to keep our profits HIGH.
This is true no matter how much money you make.
I mean you can have an $500k month...
A $150k month...
A $5k month...
If it all goes out to expenses or overhead , then you’re really no better than the person who is starting at $0
You both are starting back at $0
This conversation is rarely had but it’s a key differentiator in having a business that actually profits a million dollars + cash vs a business that’s made a million dollars.
When I made it my mission to normalize women making billions, it wasn’t simply guiding and supporting women to make a billions of dollars through their businesses and investments.
It is about normalizing women making billions and profiting billions inside of their business empires.
Making large amounts of money and having the capacity to hold it and multiply it.
Women becoming billionaires in their own right , not just their businesses making billions.
And that not only takes a different level of understanding and 3D knowledge... it takes a elevated level of energy and 5D frequency.
You must realize that to create this type of transformation in your life, it’s bigger than money.
It’s beyond money.
This is the work I do