The Most Important “WORK” You’ll Ever Do
Have you ever noticed that when you do the work.. The true inner work, everything else becomes easier?
Things seem to just happen and flow.
The things that you were struggling with and trying to make work, just simply… work.
And you wonder why… why it took you so long to do the “work”?
✅Oh, because you thought you could bypass the “work” ?
✅You thought that you were smarter than the “work”?
✅You thought because you have money that would replace having to do the “work”?
✅You thought the work consisted of everything outside of you-
Looking this way
Sounding this way
Doing this thing and that thing
Buying another program
Taking another course
Hiring another mentor
Paying hundreds of thousands of dollars Yet still not doing your “ work”
And Day after day...
Month after month...
Year after year...
You grow frustrated and upset that nothing ever seems to work the way it should
You never quite get to your next level.
You feel stuck and stagnate.
You can’t buy your way out of this feeling.
While everyone else's life and businesses seem to be taking off-
Multiple Millions of dollars made
Dream relationships
Icon Status
No, not the fake insta happy but the real happy.
The happy you can feel in your soul.
And you ask yourself, you ask spirit, you ask GOD- Why not me?
When is my time?
Am I not worthy?
Have I not gone through enough?
What will it take for me to have all that I desire?
God simply replies, The “Work”
And that’s not a fuck God, it’s a fuck you because you already knew the answer.
As much as you want to pretend and dismiss the fact that you have always known, YOU’ VE ALWAYS KNOWN!
There is no way that you can be smarter than you...nice try!
Nothing is ever outside of you.
It always comes from within.( and if you desire assistance accessing that power, let me know)
Every single thing that you want/need/desire comes from within.
Everything you see and feel is real and you get to have it all if and only if you choose to do your “work”.
It’s not always going to be fun looking into your soul and bringing forth your biggest fears, Shame
Stuff that you have hidden for so long and buried so deep as to never ever find it.
Stuff that you’ve tried to overcompensate for by achieve more… doing more.
When you let go and release all of the shit that's been bogging you down…
When you’re able to look it... all of it in the eye and realize that it is what it is and that's all it is, and now you’re going to do something about it-
That’s when true transformation happens!
That's when you mountains move and miracle after miracle happens.
That's when time/space/dimension/reality bows to your feet.
That’s when the impossible becomes possible.
That's when what you have always known, the real true you emerges.
But, you always knew this would happen because dahhhhling you always know.
Wether you want to admit it or not.
Your soul is never wrong.
Your “work” is never wrong.
You can’t outrun the work.
You can’t out-earn the work.
The work will always be waiting for you.
Nothing outside of you will ever fully work until your “work’ is done.
So let’s do your “work”, shall we?