Salt Bae and the $167k bill

A Lesson In Luxury:

The picture below is from Salt Bae’s Instagram account.

It shows a receipt/bill from his restaurant from a group of people who obviously had a great evening 😉

The total was 615,065 AED which equals out to 167,451 USD.

If you don’t know who salt bae is…Nusret Gökçe, nicknamed Salt Bae, is a Turkish butcher, chef, food entertainer and restaurateur whose technique for preparing and seasoning meat became an Internet meme in January 2017.

He owns Nusr-Et, a chain of luxury ultra premium steak houses who’s locations span across the globe.

When I saw that receipt, I wasn’t surprised.

I’ve seen bills even higher than that before.

It’s par for the course in my world.

As I stated before, they must of had a really good night. 😉

What I was surprised by were the slew of horrific, holier than thou, keyboard warrior comments filled with judgment, projection and lack.

✔️Scandalous when we know some people are starving to death..

✔️I think in these times we live in to post such bill publicly is inappropriate. There are people who don’t know how they are going to have one meal a day…

✔️I lost respect for you. Charging all that fu*king money for food that ain’t even cooked all the way through at that! And I bet you’re not even using the profits for anything beneficial for the less fortunate…

( link to original post here)

And this is just the tip of the iceberg with the comment section.

This shows me two things:

1. As a collective we still have a disdain for money, wealth and people who have it. Which is why the majority may never reach the level of money and wealth that they desire.

2. As a collective we still don’t understand what TRUE luxury really is.

Allow me to share with you a quick lesson in Luxury-

In traditional marketing, your brand is defined by its positioning: It aims to be the brand that offers the best promise /client benefit to a certain type of person ( Client Avatar) in relation to your competitors.

What This positioning does is it constitutes the cornerstone of brand management.

In Luxury, we do not talk about positioning.

Luxury businesses and brands are powerful identities able to reassure and seduce by the dream we create.

They propose of a world of its own in which consumers and clientele wish to immerse themselves.

They open their wallet to get into this world, to be a part of it.

Which is why luxury is about money but also so much more than money.

The luxury brand cultivates its uniqueness and it prefers to be faithful to an identity rather than constantly worry about superiority over an opponent, it’s competitive advantage.

Even if the client makes the comparison, your brand is not managed by seeking to compare itself to others- like an artist.

The identity of a luxury brand thus contributes to building the identity of its clients themselves.

Hence why these individuals were willing and happy to pay the 167,451 bill.


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